Thursday, May 29, 2008

I'd like to spit on the director....

Sometimes owning a video camera should be considered assault with a deadly weapon.

Evidence: I'LL BURY YOU...I'LL KILL YOU...I'LL SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE TOO (2000). The title alone says a lot.

Mainly this has nothing to do with the original I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE. The makers of this crap were trying to be cute. We just called it that because we think we are so clever (and we want your money...). It's starts off with a b & w flashback to a chainsaw murder. The gore here looks like it was left over from the final added scenes in SNUFF! It's bad! 25 years later a group of "researchers" go back to the place where it happened and are eventually killed off by a army fatigue wearing killer. A redneck sheriff gives the group a hard time and all the acting is awful. The cast is so small that one actress does all the topless scenes and a minor character from the beginning is brought back to help the two survivors in the climax.

And for some reason when the identity of the killer is revealed he seems to be nearly invincible! This may have been just a stab at humor though parodying such killers as Jason and Micheal Myers. Do I dare give the makers of this junk that much credit??

The last name of the director of this is Koba. That was Stalin's nickname....

Thanks for reading!

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