Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Wrath of God

THE WRATH OF GOD-1972-Wacky but entertaining Spaghetti Western like drama has action, humor and a few unintentional laughs although many feel it’s all a set up anyway.

Robert Mitchum is Father Van Horne, a priest with a gun. He gets involved with an Irish rebel (Ken Hutcinson) and an arms dealer (Victor Buono) in Mexico. The three of them are captured by an Army General (future BATTLESTAR GALACTICA villain John Colicos) and forced to go and assassinate bandito Frank Langella who hates priests. His religiously bent Mom (Rita Hayworth in her last role) hangs around and prays. Gregory Sierra plays one of Langella’s henchmen who has a surprising death.

Director Ralph Nelson helmed many classic TV productions (including REQUIEM FOR A HEAVYWEIGHT; he also did the film version). His previous movies included CHARLY, …tick…tick…tick… and SOLDIER BLUE.

Thanks for reading!

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