Thursday, October 16, 2008

Warning! Double Bad Feature

JEN-GAL-3-THE HILLBILLY MONSTER-2003-Conrad Brooks has to be stopped! Much like BLOOD SLAVES OF THE VAMPIRE WOLF this was shot on video using strange looking non-actors who just stand or sit around talking. Nothing happens! A weird looking “ape boy” escapes from a circus freak show, prowls around a cemetery and gets his foot caught in a bear trap. A doctor in charge of a sanitarium (where all the actors actually came from?) takes him in.

Meanwhile, “the monster’s” adopted father, the circus owner and the police search for him. That’s it! And it's actually a sequel! So beware of parts 1 and 2.

On the same DVD is another Brooks’ atrocity called GRANDPARENTS FROM OUTER SPACE. If it’s possible it might be worse but at least it’s short. Pot bellied Brooks and his real life wife star as aliens looking for their grandchildren. It’s a pretty pathetic talkfest with very bad acting, editing and sound.

CANNIBAL HOOKERS-1987-Part of the “I Dance On Your Grave” series. Some cannibal hookers reside in a castle with a Tor Johnson like servant cleverly named Lobo. They lure men to the castle then chop them up and eat parts of them. A girl pledging a sorority gets involved with them but a detective saves the day (sort of). It’s very disjointed, badly edited and the acting is terrible. This was low budget director Donald Farmer’s second outing. He went on to churn out many weird low budget direct to video quickies including SAVAGE VENGEANCE, VAMPIRE COP and SPACE KID.

"To me absurdity is the only reality"-Frank Zappa

Thanks for reading!

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