Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Rebane's Spiders!

GIANT SPIDER INVASION-1975-Dumb low budget horror film set in Wisconsin in a town full of stupid white trash hillbillies.

Alan Hale Jr. is the sheriff. His first line is “Hi little buddy”! Barbra Hale (Della Street from TV’s PERRY MASON; no relation to Alan) is a scientist concerned about a weird meteor that crashes near by. She calls in a NASA scientist (Steve Brodie) to help investigate. It turns out the crash opens up a “black hole” and tiny and giant spiders are unleashed to terrorize mankind. Perennial hillbilly impersonator Robert Easton (who also co- wrote the screenplay) is the first victim. Barbra Hale’s real life husband Bill Williams is a trouble making bartender. Kevin (son of Steve) Brodie is a young reporter.

It’s way too dark and I’ve read the main giant spider is actually a car in disguise! Well, it does kind of “glide” along rather than crawl. But what can ya expect from director Bill Rebane also responsible for most of MONSTER A-GO GO, INVASION FROM INNER EARTH and BLOOD HARVEST??

"Learn from other’s mistakes. We don’t have time to make them all ourselves"-Eleanor Roosevelt

Thanks for reading!

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