Thursday, May 21, 2009

Broken Strings

BROKEN STRINGS-1940-I really love this all black “race film” (a movie made exclusively for black audiences). Sure, it’s cheap and badly acted but it’s no worse than any dozen Monogram films of the time!

Clarence Muse (also the co-writer) stars as famous violinist Arthur Williams who gets “one thousand dollars a performance” but loses his ability to play when his hand is injured in a car accident. He becomes a pretty mean and bitter music teacher especially to his son Johnny (William Washington) who prefers swing to the classics. One of his other students is played by Ex-Our Gang member Stymie Beard (“Just because his father owns a grocery store he puts on airs…”)!

Meanwhile older daughter Grace has man trouble at work. Her boss tries to frame her boyfriend for stealing. Eventually, a world famous “nerve specialist” says he can do an operation for 300 dollars! I guess Arthur didn't save much of his money because Johnny and his cute pianist girlfriend Mary (Tommie Moore who was in MYSTERY IN SWING the same year ) play swing at some clubs to raise the cash. Unfortunately dad finds out and makes Johnny practice playing the classics until he passes out!

Finally Johnny plays on a radio program (where Stymie tries to sabotage his set) and dad gets cured through the power of swing!

Darby Jones who played the scary lead zombie in I WALK WITH A ZOMBIE (1943) and was usually reduced to playing tribal chiefs and natives has a standout comic role here. Muse usually played stereotypical servants in Hollywood films so this was a standout role for him. He had started his career in 1929 and died in 1979.

Thanks for reading!

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