Monday, July 27, 2009

I'm Feeling Zombified!

I WAS A TEENAGE ZOMBIE-When I saw this whacked out horror comedy years ago I never thought I see it again but lo and behold it actually showed up on IFC one night!

It’s intentionally funny, a little sick and surprisingly gory (though some effects are very phony looking).

After 5 idiotic high school students kill a drug dealer and dump his body into the local river contaminated by toxic waste, he comes back as a green faced killer bent on revenge. A dumb biker named Bird has his tongue ripped out and another guy has his head twisted completely around. The sickest death is a woman who’s raped on a car hood right before her legs are broken. After the group’s attempt to kill the undead pusher fails and the dumb jock of the group is killed the survivors decide to dump their friend into the river and create their own zombie. He comes back all dead looking and for some reason reminds me of Ted Danson! My favorite character was the dumpy nerd Libermann who freaks out and faints during a police interrogation. All the characters are very doofy and oddball and some of the scenes are pretty hysterical! It’s kind of like a Troma movie but not as sleazy.

The excellent Enigma soundtrack features The Fleshtones, Smithereens, The Waitresses and others.

After making this one movie the director John Elias Michalakis became a monk! Too bad more directors working in horror today don’t follow his lead…

Thanks for reading!

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