Saturday, August 15, 2009

Quick crap!

I have a date this afternoon so I have to make this very fast. It's very hot here btw. Hope everyone is kool!

THE QUEEN OF THE DAMNED-(2002)-Yipes! This movie sucks! If the "film-makers" don't know anything about making horror movies they SHOULD NOT bother!! A chowderhead actor by the the name of Stuart Townsend (they could have done better with Peter) portrays Anne Rice's immortal vampire Lestat. Bad mistake! This guy (who later played Dorian Gray in THE LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN) is the worse...

The late Rap star Aaliyah isn't much better. Everything about this movie reeks! Phony heavy metal punk combined with vampirisim really doesn't make it.

Also with Marguerite Moreau, Vincent Perez (THE CROW 2), Claudia Black (TV's FARSCAPE), Bruce Spence, Lena Olin and Paul McGann.

DAY THE WORLD ENDED-2001-God awful remake of the classic Roger Corman 50's film. Actually it's not really a remake. It's just a piece of shit disguised as a movie using the same title. Randy Quaid and Nastassja Kinski star. They obviously needed beer money that week. Most of the cast talk while eating. One of several Cinemax "remakes" co-produced by AIP co-founder Samuel Z. Arkoff (who died in 2003). None of them are worth watching.....

DAWN OF THE DEAD-2004-Now this movie bites it! I was laughing at the pre-credit scenes but this is less like a DAWN OF THE DEAD remake than it is a "what a lot of stupid people did during Dawn of the Dead". As is typical with such nonsense there's a lot of talking, inane character emotions, screaming and arguing. Oh yeah, and there are some zombies in it. They run very fast, seem fairly strong but can't get a bite on most of the lead cast. Actually the running effect is very comical at points. It seems more influenced by 28 DAYS LATER than anything else. And I think it's in rather bad taste to feature the Jim Carroll song "People Who Died" during the annoying end credits. It was director Zack Snyder's first film. He later made the big hit 300 and the less than big hit WATCHMEN.

Thanks for reading!

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