Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Bad Movie By Any Other Name....

THE FIGHTER-(1994)-It's also known as SAVATE, so beware! Olivier Gruner (the French born kick boxing champion in only his third film; he's made around 20 more since!) is a Kung-Fu cowboy in a small Western town run by (un-billed) R. Lee Ermey in a story obviously inspired by Sam Raimi's THE QUICK AND THE DEAD, (and TV's KUNG-FU) though the opening theme sounds like "The Good The Bad & The Ugly". Ermey wants the farm owned by HELLRAZOR's Ashley Lawrence and holds a fignting tournament. Gruner beats up a lot of "evil" Yankees in defense of the people who liked keeping slaves.

Gruner is a legit champion but a stiff as as an actor (but so was Van Damme and his idiotic movies got theatrical releases!). And speaking of stiffs, Marc Singer (with a monocle) appears in a flashback as Gruner's sadistic commander, who unfortunately shows up later on. James (Mr. Striesand) Brolin even joins the festivities as a crooked colonel who gets killed. In the finale Gruner has to fight Singer with a bullet in his leg but of course wins in the end. Also with Ian Ziering, Micheal Palance & Rance Howard.

Director and co-writer Isaac Florentine directed several versions of TV's MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS.

Thanks for reading!

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