Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Forbidden Warrior

FORBIDDEN WARRIOR-2004-This fantasy action drama (inspired by THE PRINCESS BRIDE and a few others) involves a couple who are going to have a child that according to prophesy will be able to read a secret book that holds the key to the universe. Well, something like that. An evil warlord has the mother killed but the baby is born anyway and taken to live with a blind wise man (WISH MASTER’s Andrew Divoff). Two brothers (one evil, one passive) set out to find “the chosen one”. The script is terrible and the actors say a lot of stupid things but there are some good fights.

Marie Matiko plays the grown up baby. The weirdest part for me was that it was the last role for actor Kay E. Kuter (who plays the Lord of The Rings inspired character Yawn) who had once had a reoccurring role (Newt Kiley) on the ’60’s TV sit-com GREEN ACRES! Also with Sung Kang, Tony Amendola and James Hong. The director Jimmy Nickerson was mostly a stunt coordinator and actor.

Thanks for reading!

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