Monday, February 1, 2010

He's Tight, Together and Mean!

WILLE DYNAMITE-1974-Serious (but sometimes unintentionally funny) “blaxpoltation” film in the world of pimps and hookers.

Roscoe Orman (later a regular on SESAME STREET) is the title character an outrageous vicious pimp with a menagerie of women working for him. Diana Sands (in her second to last movie) co-stars as a social worker trying to put him out of business. Thalmus Rasulala is district attorney boyfriend who tries to help. Meanwhile 2 cops (George Murdock and Albert Hall) try to nail him. Unlike a lot of other films like this the story doesn’t glorify Willie but the kind of happy ending ruins it. His pimp clothes are really something though!

Director Gilbert Moses made THE FISH THAT ATE PITTSBURGH and did a lot of TV.

Thanks for reading!

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