Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Bean There, Done That...

HILLSIDE CANNIBALS-2006-A group (family) of cannibals terrorize some teens in the California desert in this low budget gory idiocy. They mostly use torture, eat the flesh and drink the blood of their victims but they also grunt and groan and fight amongst themselves a lot. Somehow another guy who's daughter was killed by the tribe has tracked them down and wants revenge but he gets killed the first time he attacks them! This is suppose to have been inspired by the (possibly fictional) legend of Sawney Bean, a Scottish madman who terrorized his native land with a his own family of cannibals but the real influence is THE HILLS HAVE EYES (which may have be influenced itself by the Bean legend). The director Leigh Scott plays the head of the clan.

I just read the DVD box also makes reference to THHE and the Bean legend!

Thanks for reading!