Thursday, May 24, 2012

Dig That Uranium

DIG THAT URANIUM-1955-This time the Boys buy a deed to a uranium mine from their friend Shifty Robertson (un-billed Carl "Alfalfa" Switzer) and head out to Arizona to dig. Of course the mine is a phony but they get help from an old prospector (Raymond Hatton; Pete the prospector in Corman's THE DAY THE WORLD ENDED the same year) to locate a real strike. A hotel manager (Harry Lauter) wants the mine and his two henchmen (Myron Healy, in his second BB adventure) and Tom Keene (using the name Richard Powers) cause trouble. At one point Sach (Huntz Hall) dreams he and Slip (Leo Gorcey in his penultimate role in the series) are gunslingers. Mary Beth Hughes (I ACCUSE MY PARENTS) is in the usual role of the bad guy's girl sent to entice the secret out of Sach. David Gorcey and Bennie Bartlett also appear. 

It's filled with Abbott & Costello and 3 Stooges like gags (Ellwood Ullman was one of the screenwriters) but fortunately little Louie (Bernard Gorcey) goes with them to provide some laughs. 

Unfortunately, it would be the elder Gorcey's last role. He would die from injuries received in a car accident soon after this was completed. Edward Bernds directed. 

Former cowboy star Keene would have his last screen role in 1959 in a little movie called PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE!

Thanks for reading!

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