Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Feudin' Fools

FEUDIN' FOOLS-1952-The Bowery Boys go south! Sach (Huntz Hall) inherits a plantation (it looks like the house Eddie Albert and Eva Gabor lived in on TV's GREEN ACRES). He's of course joined by bossy Slip (Leo Gorcey) and Chuck (David Gorcey) and Butch (Bennie Bartlett). They get embroiled in a feud between hillbillies named Smith and Jones (Sach's full name is Horace Debussy Jones). Like Curly Howard did in a couple of 3 Stooges shorts instead of a coonskin cap Sach wears skunk! All goes well for a while and a female hillbilly (Dorothy Ford who was in JACK AND THE BEANSTALK with Abbott & Costello) falls for Sach. 

Naturally when things start to get dull little Louie Dumbrowsky (Bernard Gorcey) shows up and is mistaken for a revenuer ("In the Civil War I was neutral".) After a lot of tired gags and Sach's mugging Lyle Talbott shows up as a bank robber wounded during a robbery. Louie has to pretend he's a doctor and then the gangsters shoot it out with The Smiths (kind of like in NEXT OF KIN....not!).

Some of the Hillbillies are played by Oliver Blake, perennial hillbilly portrayer Robert Easton (who was also the dialect coach) and Paul Wexler (later the scary Indian headhunter in THE FOUR SKULLS OF JONATHAN DRAKE). Fuzzy Knight is Traps and Arthur Space is a banker. Screenwriter Tim Ryan (who penned a few others in the series) was also an actor. William Beaudine directed again. 

Thanks for reading!

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