Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Up In Smoke

UP IN SMOKE-1957-In this Bowery Boys craziness Sach (still top billed Huntz Hall) sells his soul to the devil (the great Byron Foulger in dress suit and horns) to get the names of winning horses after losing some charity money on a crooked horse race. Of course every time he tries to make a bet something goes wrong (he has no money, he's put in jail...). Since gagman Jack Townley was one of the screenwriters many routines are rehashes of things seen in other places (notably Abbott & Costello). When Duke (Stanley Clements) catches Sach talking to a monkey (it's the devil in disguise) he takes him to a psychiatrist (Fritz Feld) named Dr. Bluzak. In the end Sach thwarts the devil and he loses his job! But Sach helps him get it back! 

Since Sach does so many stupid things a better ending would have been that this episode was the last of the series and the devil took the nitwit to hell! A little harsh I guess....

The other boys are David Gorcey as Chuck and Eddie LeRoy as Blinky. Joe Devlin, James Flavin and Benny Rubin also appear. A character named Dr. Bluzak also appeared in an episode of THE ABBOTT AND COSTELLO SHOW that Jack Townley wrote! And Byron Foulger played him! 

William Beaudine was back to direct this second to last entry of the series. 

Thanks for reading!

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