Monday, June 11, 2012

Beware of The Following Image

BLACK FOREST-2012-In Germany, two geeks, a husband & wife, their baby and nanny and a doctor who has dreams about his dead wife take a "mid-summer's eve" tour. Ben Cross is Cazmar, their cheerful (and spooky) guide. He has them form a circle at a min-Stonehenge type place and a fairy appears. The the couple's baby disappears. 

They find a weird house and the nanny decides to take a nap. She's attacked and eaten by 7 dwarfs. Then a big bad wolf kills one of the geeks. Soon after the wife falls into a coma (like Sleeping Beauty). 

The remaining group meet Karin (Tinsel Korey) who resembles the doc's dead wife. She's actually in league with Cazmar because she was taken by "the people of the hill" (aka: the fair folk) when she was small. They are mad because people stopped believing in them long ago. Now they capture people (especially children) and take vengeance. Cross's performance is very wacky and almost saves this dumb tale. 

Thanks for reading!


  1. Ha, I just can't sit through an entire SyFy movie. I was at a bar a month back and they actually had Sharktopus playing on one of the TVs. I watched just long enough to see the monster and that was it.

  2. A bar is probably the best place to watch a SyFy movie!
