Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Bela & Mother Reilly

MY SON THE VAMPIRE-1952-English music hall comedian Arthur Lucan made 15 films between 1937-1952 in which he starred in drag as charwoman Old Mother Reilly. He'd probably be completely unknown in the US if it wasn't for this entry (actually the last in the series) which of course featured Bela Lugosi as the villain Van Housen, also known as “The Vampire”, a mad scientist and kidnapper who sleeps in a coffin. For some reason he has a robot sent to him but the addresses get mixed up and store owner Mrs. Reilly (Lucan) gets the mechanical man instead. 

It's a lot of dumb fun though Lucan (who also sings a song) is a little overbearing at times. There's a slapstick inspired fight and the robot terrorizes Mrs. Reilly near the finale, although he/she has nothing to do with catching Van Housen in the end. 

Some may think this was a real comedown for the great Lugosi but he has some good lines and seems to be enjoying himself and remember this same year he made BELA LUGOSI MEETS A BROOKLYN GORILLA! 

Also known as VAMPIRE OVER LONDON and OLD MOTHER RILEY MEETS THE VAMPIRE the US version featured a song by Allen Sherman over the opening credits where neither Lugosi or Lucan are mentioned as the stars! Director John Gilling later made several horror films including PLAGUE OF THE ZOMBIES and THE REPTILE.

Thanks for reading!

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