Monday, February 4, 2013

A Problem “Down There”...

THE INNOCENT PARTY-1959-Don and his friend go to the city to see a movie and pick two easy girls. He has sex with one of them and the next night he convinces his steady girl Betty to have sex with him in his car. Things really change between them especially when Don finds out he has contracted syphilis from his encounter with “the city girl”. Even though a doctor shows him slides of chancre sores (“Boy, pretty awful looking”) and such Don doesn't want to reveal that Betty might be infected (and ruin her reputation).

 Produced by the Kansas State Board of Health, it was directed by Herk Harvey who made dozens of short documentaries and industrial film before and after his only feature film in 1962: CARNIVAL OF SOULS... 

The washed out color print I saw was tacked on to Alpha Video DVD version of DAMAGED LIVES.  


  1. Looks pretty fascinating! As a huge fan of Carnival of Souls, I've been tempted to watch one of these educational films Harvey did.

  2. He made a lot of them and they pop up once in a while! Glad to hear you like Carnival of Souls!
