Saturday, October 12, 2013

Funky Lady Monkey

LADY IRON MONKEY-1979-This Taiwanese martial arts films begins with with two idiots (one big fat guy, one a little person) getting belted by fruit courtesy of Ming Ling Shur (Fung-lin Chin), a young woman who resembles a monkey and knows Kung-Fu. The idiotic duo's Master captures her and takes her to civilization. The two idiots call ugly and she runs away. She becomes the bodyguard for a prince who she falls in love with. When she realizes the prince is only using her in his bid to be emperor she runs away and begs her master's maid to help her "become a woman". She becomes more female looking after taking some medicine but still has a tail! She goes through some more training involving candles, pots and learning to use her tail as a weapon (hilarious scene). Her tail comes in handy when the prince gets his comeuppance in the finale crazy battle. Lo Lien (5 FINGERS OF DEATH) and Sing Chen (NEW FIST OF FURY) are also in it. Director Chi-Hwa Chen made early Jackie Chan movies (HALF A LOAF OF KUNG-FU, 36 CRAZY FISTS).

Thanks for reading!

PS-As is shown in the above picture, IRON LADY MONKEY is on a double DVD with another martial arts movie. You've been warned!

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