Tuesday, January 28, 2014


SEX MADNESS-1938-This venereal disease melodrama starts off with two old fogies complaining about young people. Then two secretaries talk about being strippers. They decide to go to a show where pasty faced theater goers (including a lesbian couple) oogle dancing girls. Later at a party everyone goes upstairs to have sex (not shown). A dancer named Millicent (Vivian McGill) is seeing a doctor who's treating her for syphilis and she relates how it all happened. He shows her patients permanently damaged by "the disease". Then two doctors talk about sex and social diseases. Millicent later returns home (after hanging in NYC getting her treatments) a cured woman and marries her boyfriend, Wendel (Mark Daniels). They even have a baby. Unfortunately the local doctor who was treating her turns out to be a lying quack who is arrested. This means Millicent wasn't actually cured and has passed the clap on to her husband and baby. An old doctor gives them a cautionary speech and when it seems suicide is the only way out they both come to their senses, take a new cure and live happily ever after. The End.

his badly directed and acted exploitation tale was made by Dwain Esper, the man responsible for the notorious and better known MANIAC (1934).

Thanks for reading!

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