Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Vampire Gangs of Hong Kong

VAMPIRE WARRIORS-2010-Young vampires (who are actually hundreds of years old) frolic in Hong Kong. Ar (Luxia Jiang) is a vampire hunter looking for her sister. There are good vampires who don't drink human blood, bad vampires who do and vampires who prey on other vampires. It turns out Ar's sis is the tormented ex-lover of "vampire eater" Mung (Wah Yuen from KUNG-FU HUSTLE and SUPERCOP). Ar becomes a vampire herself so she can beat the evil sadistic Mung. The fights are action packed and well choreographed but in between they vamps do a lot of wondering whether un-dead is good or not.

Director/writer Dennis Law also made TRIAD WARS and KING OF TRIADS using many of the same actors.

Thanks for reading!

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