Saturday, June 14, 2014

Case 39

CASE 39-2009-This supernatural thriller isn't anything exceptional but it wouldn't be that bad except for the presence of lead actress Renee Zellweger who's squeaky voice and obnoxious facial expressions ruin the whole thing.

 She plays Emily Jenkins a social worker trying to help abused kids. She gets involved with Lilith (Jodelle Ferland) a young girl who seems to have strange abusive parents. When they try to burn her in an oven Emily and detective Mike Barron (Ian McShane) save her. The parents are put away and Emily fights to get custody of Lilith. She succeeds and all seems well until it's discovered that Lilith is no ordinary little girl. In fact she's a demon who makes a young boy kill both his parents and then kills Emily's boyfriend (Bradley Cooper) by sending a swarm of hornets to sting him. Later Emily finds herself in much the same situation as Lilith's former parents: fighting for her life and sanity from her little adopted monster. There's not much new here though.

Case 39 was made in Vancouver by German director Christian Alvart. I'm told the DVD features an alternate darker ending. Thugh made in 2008 it didn't get a US release till 2010 and did badly in theaters.


  1. Zelwanger is one actress whose appeal has always been lost on me. No offense to her, but her constant lemon pucker face is just difficult to look at and then when she got a gallon of Botox pumped into her face it became even worse. She pretty much ruins every film she is in. lol

  2. It has to be true! After Case 39 she only made one movie and that was in 2010!
