Saturday, September 27, 2014

Gory Junk

HEADCRUSHER-1999-In this low budget horror atrocity a mobster kills his cheating wife and her soldier lover. With the help of some underlings he hangs the woman and crushes the head of the man. 20 years later some stupid racist construction workers are digging around and unearth something. Suddenly someone or something is running around crushing people's heads. Meanwhile a female police detective investigates and the daughter of the first construction worker tries to find some answers with the help of some friends (bad move). The killer (he resembles the killer in 1981's THE PROWLER)  was used as an experiment in Vietnam. It's probably the only slasher movie I've seen where a pro wrestling  "sleeper hold"  comes into play at the climax.

Crap like this always makes me wonder about the mental state of the director, this time Richardo Islas but perhaps he's just an incompetent boob trying to win a place among "gore hounds" wrapping bad acting, stupid dialogue, disposable characters, clumbsy sex scenes and substandard direction around extreme violence.

Also called BROKEN SKULL. Thanks for reading!

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