Sunday, April 3, 2016

Chicago Nut Job

CHICAGO MASSACRE: RICHARD SPECK-2007-Based on the true story of mass murderer/nut job Richard Speck who murdered 8 nurses in cold blood in 1967, this is really just an excuse to show and exploit death, blood and gore at the expense of it being based on a true story. It shows how he was a nut from the beginning after being abused as a child and how he could have been taken off the streets earlier but wasn't. He abuses, tortures and kills several other women (and given the look and demeanor of the Speck character and the portrayal of these victims as being fairly normal the movie almost seems to say it was their fault they were killed). Two detectives track him down.

It's very brutal and graphic and Corin Nemec (also a serial killer in the same director's TED BUNDY: AN AMERICAN ICON) gives a good scumbag performance but recently these types of roles are all the rage in Hollywood. Some real footage of Speck in jail is also used but since the director Michael Feifer when on to make similar “opuses” about Ed Gein, Henry Lee Lucas and others that were not exactly fact based this may not be all that accurate either.  

Thanks for reading! 


  1. I was going to watch this because Debbie Rochon is in it and never got around to it. I think Ulli Lommel ruined serial killer movies for everyone for about the next 20 years. lol

  2. Lommel didn't help the horror genre either....
