Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Shaw Brothers

THE DRAGON MISSILE (FEI LONG ZHAN)-1975-This Shaw Brothers production features another inventive weapon: a deadly boomerang. An assassin (Lo Lieh) working for an evil governor (Ku Feng) obtains some medicine to save his boss's life but it's stolen by his old friend (Tony Liu). Later using the boomerang (called “the missile dragon”) the assassin beheads his ex-friend's mother and gets the medicine back but keeps it a secret from his entourage because they are under orders to kill him once he has it. Naturally, his ex-friend wants revenge and he's joined by the daughter of the doctor (Nancy Yen) who made the medicine. They also get help from a woman (Terry Liu) in the assassin's entourage who has retractable blades in her fingers (similar to Wolverine). After some fights and decapitations, a crazy all out battle takes place where fishing nets help to battle the boomerangs. 

Director Meng Hua Ho also made THE FLYING GUILLOTINE the year before.

Thanks for reading!

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