Monday, April 1, 2019

Milligan Meltdown

THE BODY BENEATH-1970-Ok, I admit this is the first Andy Milligan movie I've ever seen. It was filmed in England where writer/director Milligan lived for a time and though the title sounds like it's porno it's really about some decadent vampires who dwell in a graveyard and their leader who pretends to be a minister and lives with his very quiet wife next door in Carfax Abbey! 

He's worried the bloodline is dying out so he has his mistreated hunchback servant Spool (Berwick Kaler) and three ghoul faced female vampires kidnap some local women. But later he decides they should all move to America. It's mainly a lot of talk with one quick scene of a maid being stabbed in the eyes. The acting is like something out of a movie from the early '30's.

 Somehow Milligan made 4 other movies in 1970 including GURU-THE MAD MONK and BLOODTHIRSTY BUTCHERS. One actor Colin Gordon was a very busy character actor in England at the time this was filmed. Earlier he had played No. 2 in two episodes of THE PRISONER!

Thanks for reading!

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