Sunday, May 10, 2020

Happy Mother's Day

THE DEVIL BAT’S DAUGHTER-1946-A young woman named Nina (Rosemary La Planche; 1941's Miss America) is found unconscious on a country road after visiting the abandoned house of Dr. Paul Carruthers, the deceased mad scientist who once killed people with a giant bat. Local doctor Elliot (Nolan Leary) asks a successful psychiatrist Dr. Morris (Michael Hale) to help. It seems Nina is the daughter of Dr. Carruthers and Morris seems to know about her past. At night Nina runs away from the hospital and goes to Morris’ house for help after seeing a blurry vision of a giant bat. Morris isn't home but his wife Ellen (Molly Lamont) puts her to bed and calls Elliot. Morris isn't around because he’s on the town with his girlfriend Myra (thick accented Monica Mars). Morris kind of uses psychoanalysis to question her and she has trouble talking about dad. Finally she remembers that when her mother died everyone said dad killed her because he was a vampire. 

Later Ted (John James), Ellen’s son from a previous marriage returns from the army. Nina talks about a dream she has where her father is a bat and she becomes one too but all we see is a blurry picture of the original giant bat. Of course Nina and Ted fall in love and Ted proposes. Morris thinks Ted’s a bad influence in helping helping Nina get better and wants him gone. The shrink is obviously up to something. Morris accuses Nina of killing Ted’s dog and when Ellen winds up dead Nina confesses to the murder. A newspaper headline reads “Nina McCarron-Vampire?”. Eventually Ted exposes Morris who actually killed Ellen and somehow Carruthers is exonerated! 

This sequel to THE DEVIL BAT is only an hour but seems much longer. German born director Frank Wisbar made the spooky STRANGLER FROM THE SWAMP (also with La Planche) the same year.

Thanks for reading!

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