Sunday, May 31, 2020

Ho Time!

THUNDER OF GIGANTIC SERPENT-1988-Soloman, some over acting nut schemes to control the world’s food supply. Meanwhile a little girl Ting Ting plays with her pet snake Mozlar.  In a lab a doctor and his staff do an experiment on a frog that makes it grow larger. Solomon's men attack the lab and kill everyone except one scientist Lin who gets away with the formula. Her car crashes but she jumps out before. Later Ting Ting finds the container with the chemical that made the frog grow. She brings it home and puts her snake in it. It grows to an abnormally large size but obeys the child. They play catch and hide and seek but Solomon's thugs see them and figure the snake might have some connection to the formula (brilliant deduction!).

Meantime in another movie government agent Ted Fast (Pierre Henry) walks around, has gun battles and martial arts fights. A police inspector (Lee Hsiu Hsien aka Danny Lee from THE UNTOLD STORY) tries to protect Lin who was actually a spy for Solomon. His thugs kidnap Ting Ting and Mozlar comes to her rescue. They set a trap which is supposed to electrocute the snake but instead the electricity makes the snake grow much larger! When the thugs kidnap the girl again, Mozlar follows wrecking a train and killing the passengers. The snake kills many innocent people and wrecks lots of buildings. Occasionally scenes of Ted Kung-Fu fighting and talking on the phone are shown.The ending is so drawn out. And what should have been a poignant finale where the little girl cries for her pet gone wrong is ruined by her incessant whining. It all finally ends with Ted killing Solomon in a fight. 

This was originally made in Hong Kong in 1980 but wasn't released until many years later. By then infamous splicer/hack Geoffrey Ho got a hold of it and added the scenes with Henry to make it a confused mess.

Thanks for reading!

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