Sunday, July 19, 2020


THE TRIAL OF LEE HARVEY OSWALD-1964-In this black & white "what if" production Lee Harvey Oswald is put on trial for the killing of President Kennedy. The defense wants to prove Oswald is insane. The audience is the jury. It's on par with writer/director Larry Buchanan's other serious work HIGH YELLOW. There's a few factual errors. This should be a boring piece of shit but it's actually kind of fascinating. Conspiracy enthusiast Buchanan flubs on some of the facts but it's pretty straight forward. 

Buchanan regulars Annabelle Weenick, Bill McGhee and Bill Thurman all play witnesses. Filmed in Dallas and released less than 5 months after the real assassination. Of course about 17 years later there was a similar TV movie made with an all star cast with Annabelle Weenick (aka Ann McAdams) as Oswald's mom!

Thanks for reading!

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