Tuesday, August 25, 2020

I Am The God of Hell Fire!


BURNING HELL-1974-A preacher tries to convince everyone that the Bible says there is a real Hell and sinners will burn there forever if they do not repent and accept Jesus. He's mocked by 2 bikers but when one of them is decapitated the other goes to hear the preacher's sermon which tells the story of a king of Babylon who goes to Hell where sinners are a burnt bloody mess. Maggots eat up Herod in another scene. Then there's the parable of Lazarus and the rich man. The greedy rich man winds up frying in Hell while the beggar Lazarus ascends to heaven and sits with Abraham (who looks like Rip Van Winkle). "The Bible says" is his favorite term. 

This Christian scare film is badly made and acted and co-written and directed by Ron Ormond who along with his wife June and son Tim (who plays the surviving biker in this) made many more religiously twisted exploitation films.

Thanks for reading!

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