Sunday, December 27, 2020



THE TERROR OF HALLOW'S EVE-2017-A bullied kid Tim (Caleb Thomas) summons a jester like demon called “The Trickster” to get revenge. A fat guy eats a pie full of worms and is gutted by a demon that eats his intestines. He sounds like Curly when he's screaming. A stoner is stabbed to death by puppets with knives. The main asshole has his throat slit. His girlfriend is next but Tim destroys the demon. She's killed anyway. Tim winds up possessed and getting blamed for all the deaths. Flash ahead many years later and adult Tim is in a mental hospital. It seems like the movie is going to start all over again and The Trickster is still at it...

Eric Roberts has one short scene as an angry father and Juliet Landau (one of the producers) has a brief role as a nurse. The director Tony Tucker did mainly SFX and make up for movies and TV before this... 

Thanks for reading!

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