Monday, April 5, 2021

Larry Ness Horror


LOCH NESS HORROR-1981-In a too dark opening scene a guy takes some pictures of the famous sea monster. "4 decades later", 2 losers go looking for "Nessie". One gets killed, the other discovers some dead Nazis and a bomber plane. Two scientists (one is Sandy Kenyon with a Scottish accent) and American Spencer Dean (Barry “son of” Buchanan) use sonar to try and find the monster with the help of local lunatic Jack Stuart (Doc Livingston) and his daughter Kathleen (Miki McKenzie with a high nails on a blackboard voice). She has Nessie's egg. Shoddy low budget nonsense with impossibly dark scenes and a terrible puppet monster. 

Since this movie was directed by Larry Buchanan Lake Tahoe subs for Scotland! And it's just plain boring too!

Thanks for reading!

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