Tuesday, June 8, 2021



MURDER BY CONTRACT-1958-Claude (Vince Edwards) becomes a hit man for Mr. Moon (Michael Granger) who works for the mysterious Mr. Brink. In LA he's met by high strung Marc (Phillip Pine) and laid back George (Herschel Bernardi). Claude is kind of a nut who berates a waiter and seems more interested in sightseeing than the hit. He gets upset though when he finds out his latest job Billie Williams is a woman. After a failed attempt to electrocute her and more planning he's successful but a drunken call girl (Kathie Browne) informs him that he didn't kill Billie but instead a police woman. 

The climax is a little far fetched but it's an ok low budget film noir. Director Irving Lerner later worked with Edwards on his hit TV show “Ben Casey”.

Thanks for reading!

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