Thursday, October 27, 2022

Can't Keep A Good Astro-Zombie Down


ASTRO-ZOMBIES M3:CLONED-2010-They're back! First an Astro-Zombie kills a cat food eating old woman. Then a guy gives a talk about a book he wrote (there's only one person in the audience) claiming he has reptilian blood in him. He's visited by two strange men. Then in Area 51 an army general (co-writer/director Ted V. Mikels) orders the reopening of the "Astro Men” project. He wants to clone thousands of them to use as "expendable soldiers". His drunken twin brother (also Mikels) says he's discovered a way to control them. Meanwhile some Men In Black working for the government wander around. A dumb workaholic scientist thinks she's able to control the Astros. Tura Santan's image from the original film appears as a hologram and John Carradine's phony head also makes an appearance. A senator calls Serena (Francine York), leader of "The Doll Squad" to help. One girl is held captive in a cave while her busty companions fight the zombies with blow darts that can blow them up. I guess the intentionally comical ending was the only way to go. It kind of sets up a part 4 (which Mikels, who passed away on 2016 at the age of 87, made 2 years later). Most of this is undermined by long stretches of talk by bad actors. The best parts are when the astro-zombies attack.

Thanks for reading!

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