Thursday, June 29, 2023




BLACK SAMSON-1974-Samson (Rockne Tarkington) is a righteous dude who owns a bar and a pet lion. White mobster Johnny Nappa (William Smith) wants to take over the turf despite opposition from his uncle (Titos Vandis). Samson's main squeeze is played by Carol Speed and John Alderman and Marilyn Joi have small roles, There's a lot of stupid fights and way too much talk. Gene LeBelle gets beat up. 

This interesting time capsule of a movie was directed by Charles Bail (also an actor) who went on to make CLEOPATRA JONES AND THE CASINO OF GOLD (1975) and THE GUMBALL RALLY (1976). Star Tarkington was well known to some for his role in “Danger Island”, a segment of TV's “The Banana Splits Show (1968-69).

Thanks for reading!

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