Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Italian Horror



HORROR aka THE BLANCHVILLE MONSTER-1963-Emile DeBlanchville (Umbretta Colli; SNOW DEVILS) comes back to her childhood home and to her brother Roderic (Gerald Tichy; HATCHET FOR A HONEYMOON). Also with her are a brother & sister, John (Vanni Materassi) & Alice Taylor (Iran Eory). Things have changed. There's a new butler and a seemingly sinister housekeeper named Eleonore (Helga Line; later in several Paul Naschy movies). Later after the mysterious Dr. LaRouche (Leo Achoritz) shows up, Emily is exploring the castle at night and sees Eleonore injecting a needle into a deformed man. She faints and Rod convinces her it was a dream. Later Emily is traumatized by strange dreams and is chased by an ugly with a cross. Then she's buried alive! 

Typical but well-done Italian Gothic horror by director Alberto Di Martino (HOLOCAUST 2000).

Thanks for reading!               


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