Friday, August 4, 2023




CHANGE OF MIND-1969-White attorney David Rowe has his brain transplanted into a new body because he has terminal cancer. His new body is that of a black man (Raymond St. Jacques). David retains all the memories and feelings he had before except now he's black which he's OK with (he knew beforehand) as he's just happy and astonished to be alive. It's every one else who has a problem including his wife (Susan Oliver) and his mother. Later David has to defend a racist sheriff (Leslie Nielsen) accused of killing his black mistress.

 This is not a straight science fiction story as only the operation itself lends itself to that. This is basically a morality tale (filmed in Toronto) focusing on a white man who know must now face a new life. This one of only a handful of feature films directed by well-known TV director Robert Stevens.

Thanks for reading!

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