Saturday, December 30, 2023

"If Ya Got Ears, Ya Gotta Listen"



THE ARTIST FORMERLY KNOWN AS CAPTAIN BEEFHEART-1997-This was a late period documentary about the great Captain Beefheart (aka Don Van Vilet) who died in December of 2010. It gives some interesting insights and info about his early career then jumps to “Trout Mask Replica” and glosses over later work. "Clear Spot" isn't even mentioned. There are some comments from Frank Zappa (obviously already sick; he died in 1993) and former Mother and perennial complainer Jimmy Carl Black (who died in 2008) chimes in as well. Matt Groehing, Ry Cooder, John French and Eric Drew Feldman offer their opinions. British DJ John Peel (who died 2004) narrates.

 It's a nice little documentary but hardly a comprehensive one. Director Elaine Shepherd later made a 30-year anniversary special on Monty Python's Flying Circus.

Thanks for reading!

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