Friday, December 8, 2023

Stupid Stuff



ILLUSION OF BIAS-2009-If you have 6 minutes to waste you might enjoy this strange overrated short about a girl and her nightmares. Good luck!


CHLOE LOVE IS CALLING YOU-1934-Creaky old-time capsule made on a shoestring budget about Mandy (Georgette Harvey), a Louisiana voodoo practitioner who seeks revenge on the Colonel (Francis Joyner) and the other white men who lynched her husband. Her light skinned daughter Chloe (Caucasian Olive Borden) longs not to be black and wants a better life. Luckily, she meets Wade (Reed Howes), a superior white guy who works for The Colonel. Jim, a black local, is in love with Chloe but she rejects him (Jim is played by future character actor Phil Ober, a white guy!). This thing is so misguided, racist and offensive you might want to see it just to believe it! Once thought to be lost, some genius found it….

Titular heroine Borden (said to be an actually distant relative of Lizzy) was once the highest paid actress in Hollywood after being discovered by Mack Sennett. Unfortunately, the coming of sound movies, a love triangle scandal and alcohol helped doom her career. She died destitute in LA's skid row at age 40. 

CHLOE was her last film. 

Leading man Howes was also a popular silent screen star but his career faded in the sound era and he played villains in many westerns in the '40's and '50's. He played a police inspector in Ed Wood's THE SINISTER URGE in1960 four years before his death at age 64. His last appearance was on an episode of TV's “Mr. Ed”.  

Thanks for reading! 

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