CORRUPTION-1968-Sleazy familiar horror tale features Peter Cushing as a famous surgeon engaged to a equally famous model (Sue Lloyd). Kate O’Mara plays her sister. At a weird swinging party Cushing has a fight with his wife’s photographer and a spotlight falls on her scarring her face. Cushing becomes obsessed with finding a cure and eventually he does when he transplants a gland from a deceased patient into her. It works for a while but when it finally fails the good doc surmises that he needs a gland from a living person. You know the rest of the story. He has to kill to get the gland but it still doesn’t last so he has to kill some more.
Eventually Cushing really loses it and cuts off a women’s head and puts in the freezer and then brutally kills a female houseguest (she was going to be a new victim anyway…). In a strange twist the dead houseguest’s husband and his “gang” show up and terrorize the couple for a few scenes. The whacked out ending features a laser going crazy and everyone dies but when the smoke clears Cushing is still alive and the movie starts all over again!!
I guess the ending was a dream since Cushing’s character mentions to his wife that he slept longer than he wanted to. Either that or he’s in hell reliving his life over…???
Thanks for reading!
Sounds great to me. I actually do have this one but the version I got was in Spanish (?!) with no subs so I'll have to find another. I didn't even know it was on DVD.
Wow! In Spanish? Lol! I'm not sure if it is on DVD. I have it on a (possibly bootlegged) VHS tape!
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