Sunday, September 30, 2012

Der Golem!

THE GOLEM-1920-This famous German film, based on a legend is very dark and very fascinating. When the stars foretell an astrologer Rabbi Loew that there is danger in store for the Jews of Prague (as it turns out the King wants to expel them) he creates The Golem (director George Wegener), a clay statue brought to life by an ancient spell. It's power lies in the Star of David (with a name on it) attached to it's chest. He's very strong and sometimes child-like but mostly he seems bored. He's first used mainly as a servant chopping wood, carrying water and even going to market with a basket!

At The Rose Festival The Golem saves the king's life (who then rescinds his decree) while the Rabbi's daughter Miriam and the knight Florian have an affair. With the danger passed Loew decides The Golem isn't needed anymore (the clay fella seems to be getting a little to independent anyway) and plans to destroy him but a celebration delays the destruction. The Rabbi's assistant (who is sweet on Miriam) revives the creature to get jealous revenge on her secret lover. Things get out of control: Florian is thrown to his death, the astrologer's house burns down and Herr Golem hits the streets while dragging Miriam by her hair!). Some little children spell his doom at the end.

This was the third time actor/director Paul Wegener made a film based on the Golem legend but unfortunately the first two films are lost. This version was photographed by the great Karl Freund who later shot METROPOLIS. He later brought his talents to America (and directed THE MUMMY with Karloff and MAD LOVE with Peter Lorre). It must have had an impact on James Whale as there are many FRANKENSTEIN parallels.

Strangely, despite their involvement with mysticism the Jews of Prague themselves and their devotion to God are shown sympathetically yet Wegener stayed in Germany after the rise of Hitler and made propaganda films for the Nazis! He died in 1948.

This film by the way is in the public domain. Thanks again to Tony for getting me this!

For another review of Wegener:
Thanks for reading!

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