Sunday, September 30, 2012

Who Could Forget?

BATTLE OF LOS ANGELES-2011-I'm sure everyone remembers learning in school about the time in 1942 when the US Air Force engaged in a fight with UFOs over L.A.? 

No? Well according to this crappy Asylum production, it did happen and 70 years later the merciless aliens have returned. A pilot (Dylan Vox) who took off on the original mission shows up after being held captive for many years. A small group of soldiers must bring him safely to a certain sector. After their commander is killed a young lieutenant (Kel Martin) takes over and besides protecting the pilot must battle the metal aliens who can turn their enemy's attack back on them. He also takes time to argue a lot with his second in command (Gerald Webb). Theresa June Tao (who's terrible) is a modern-day pilot and Nia Peeples is a captain who uses a sword to kill the aliens even though machine guns and missiles can't dent them. After it's revealed the pilot is an alien too it becomes a mash up of ALIEN, BATTLE LOS ANGELES, INDEPENDENCE DAY and a hundred other video only Sci-Fi themed time wasters. This ridiculous nonsense also features horrible CGI SFX. 

Writer/director Mark Adkins made lots of junk like this. Much of it appearing on the SyFy channel (as BATTLE OF LOS ANGELES did). 

Thanks for reading!

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