Sunday, August 2, 2020


GEEK MAGGOT BINGO-1983-This is a super low budget and deliberately cheesy looking satire of horror films. It really sucks but the highlight for me was the over the top acting of Robert Andrews as the mad scientist Dr. Frankenberry who creates "The Formaldehyde Man" (Tyler Smith) to battle vampire Scumbalina (Donna Death) who's kidnapped his daughter. He has an annoying hunchback servant who dresses as a woman and chops up a guy. The monster is a 2 headed, 3 legged (one of its heads looks like a Martian from "Mars Attacks") atrocity that wanders around the set. Punk rocker Richard Hell is "The Rawhide Kid" and Bob Martin (then editor of Fangoria; guaranteeing this junk got several mentions) has his head ripped off. Zacherle introduces the mess. 

Director/writer/producer Nicky Zedd's main influence must have been Andy Milligan.

Thanks for reading!

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