Sunday, August 2, 2020

Sheep Thing

GODMONSTER OF INDIAN FLATS-1973-An anthropologist Dr. Clemens (E. Kerrigan Prescott) and his assistant Mariposa (Karen Ingenthron) find a weird sheep embryo in the barn of sheep farmer Eddie (Richard Marion). Meanwhile the mayor (Stuart Lancaster) is busy restoring "The Comstock" to its original glory. A black guy named Barnstable (Christopher Brooks) who represents a party interested in buying the mine is framed for killing a dog and a drawn out scene involves the canine funeral. The hick vigilantes try to lynch him later on. He escapes and tries to hide in Clemens' compound but the dumb rednecks make like "Quantrill's Raiders" and attack the lab. Their efforts allow the now fully grown mutant sheep thing to escape (finally showing up over an hour into the movie!). The stupid Clemens gives Barnstable up and the monster kills a local. 

A redneck posse led by the mayor (who wants to kill it) and Clemens (who wants it captured alive) try to track it. Mariposa goes after it on her own and kind of dances with it. The monster is furry with a lumpy face, one arm longer than the other and is hunched over always looking like it's ready to take a dump. The whacked out ending has the mayor seemingly losing his mind as the townspeople riot and the monster is blown up! 

But more killer sheep could be on the way... 

It seems the director (Frederic Hobbs) might have had something to say but really didn't know how to say it. He'd wanted to make a western but lacked the budget and talent to make it authentic so he had to set it in the modern era with some real wild west reenactments thrown in from Virginia City, Nevada. Director Hobbs made a few other movies (mostly with the same actors and actresses in GOD MONSTER) and invented a type of “automobile art” called “Parade Sculpture”.

Thanks for reading!

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