GINGER SNAPS-2001-This is an off-beat bizzaro horror film from Canada. Two misfit sisters, Ginger and Brigitte like taking staged photos of bloody deaths. One night Ginger is attacked by a werewolf and begins to change...
It might not be for every horror fan though (there's a lot of talk about menstruation) and there are a few plot lapses and twists that don't really make it. The finale takes forever to wind up and it is a little bit of a let down but I liked it and Emily Perkins who plays Brigitte is great! I guess some of the dialogue was suppose to funny but I'm not sure! The director, John Fawcett had done mostly Canadian TV before this. Followed by 2 sequels.
GINGER SNAPS-2: UNLEASHED-2004-This is an excellent sequel to the usually overlooked Part 1. Brigitte (Emily Perkins) still has were-wolf troubles and gets locked up in a hospital for problem girls. A blond girl named Ghost (Tatiana Maslny) sort of befriends her while an intern gives the inmates drugs for sex. The head doctor says everything is in Brigitte’s drug induced mind. Eventually that’s proven wrong of course. The now dead Ginger (Katherine Isabelle) shows up occasionally too. The acting is great but the ending is a bit of a letdown once again. Director Brett Sullivan was usually a film editor. It was followed quickly by another sequel GINGER SNAPS BACK: THE BEGINNING by a different director.
Thanks for reading!
Really like the first one but I haven't seen either of the sequels. Looks I should see the first sequel at some point!
I haven't seen the third one butI believe it's more of a "pre-quel" set in a different century.
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