Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The First Blair Witch?

THE LAST BROADCAST-2003-I heard a lot of bad things about this pseudo-documentary that was made before the widely released box office hit THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT.

 A group of men lead by a radio DJ go out searching for the legendary "Jersey Devil". It's not that bad although most of the time I didn't really believe I was watching a real documentary. The "found video footage" is the highlight and very well done but the ending really makes no sense. Unlike BLAIR WITCH, the makers of this film felt they needed a pay-off instead of leaving it to the audience to decide. Of course since the whole movie was a set-up anyway how it ended really doesn't matter. At times I felt as though the movie was laughing at itself!

I'm sure the makers of BLAIR WITCH saw this and figured they could do a better job. However, an 1980 Italian cannibal gore-fest called MANGIATI VIVI, directed by Umberto Lenzi and known in the US as EATEN ALIVE BY CANNIBALS also used the "found footage" motif though in a much more graphic and exploitable way.

Thanks for reading!

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