THE JACKALS-(South Africa)-(1967)-This is a weird seldom seen spagetti western influenced drama that takes place in The Transvaal.
Some outlaws rob a bank then almost die of thirst in the desert ( while arguing constantly). The leader is a cardboard no nonsense type (Robert Gunner). They take refuge in a ghost town where they meet an old prospector (Vincent Price ) and his weird looking granddaughter (Diana Everson) who's tougher than any of the outlaws. Everyone sleeps out in the open even though (stock footage) wild animals are everywhere. The thieves have a falling out and the cardboard guy teams up with grandpa and gandaughter to beat his ex-partners and turn over a new leaf. He even returns the money he stole from the bank! Price is a hoot in the lead, mugging and laughing like a maniac and is really the only reason to catch this.
hanks for reading!
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