THE PHANTOM CARRIAGE-1921-This haunting silent film from Sweden involves a legend that if the last person to die at the end of the year is a great sinner he will have to drive the title vehicle and pick up the souls of the dead.
An alcoholic named David (the director Victor Sjostrum) becomes the driver and later his “sinful” life is examined. The direction, photography and acting make this one of the best silent movies ever made and I’m sure influenced Ingamar Bergman and other Euro-directors.
Director Sjostrum was a highly respected director in his homeland and came to Hollywood (using the name Seastrom) soon after he made TPC, directing around 10 movies including THE SCARLET LETTER and THE WIND (both starring Lillian Gish) and Lon Chaney in HE WHO GETS SLAPPED. He returned to Sweden in the early 30’s to act and stage and in film and gave his last performance in 1959 as the aging doctor looking back on his life in Bergman’s WILD STRAWBERRIES. He died in 1960.
Thanks for reading!
Loved The Phantom Carraige. I've been on the lookout for the 1958 version directed by Arne Mattsson but haven't been able to find it anywhere.
I haven't seen it anywhere either unfortunately...
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