RESURRECTION-1999-This SEVEN inspired serial killer movie is about a maniac who’s collecting the body parts of his victim’s to recreate the body of Christ. Christopher Lambert stars as John Prudhomme a faith challenged Cajun cop (probably to explain the actor’s accent) in Chicago (which is obviously Toronto) hunting the killer. Leland Orser is his partner. Robert Joy (CITY OF THE DEAD) is a CIA agent who helps out. Director David Cronenberg (the same year he made eXistenZ) shows up for a couple of scenes.
Much of the movie seems to be a soapbox for Lambert’s emoting and goes out of it’s way to be extremely gory (the cops are always 5 minutes late). The worse part is it’s way too long! The director Russell Mulcahy directed RAZORBACK, THE SHADOW and HIGHLANDER 2:THE QUICKENING (also with Lambert) then went into rock videos, TV episodes and some TV movies before making this. He later made RESIDENT EVIL: EXTINCTION and THE SCORPION KING 2.
Thanks for reading!
1 comment:
Saw this many years ago and about the only thing I remember is the scene where the killer dangles a baby over the rooftop and threatens to drop it! I also recall Leland Orser pretty much stealing the movie from the star.
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