Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The Marx Brothers On TV

GE ELECTRIC THEATER "THE INCREDIBLE JEWEL ROBBERY"-1959-Hosted by future ex-president Ronald Reagan, the story is told with no dialogue and is about two guys (Harpo & Chico Marx) planning to rob a jewelry store. They "visit" various places at night to get their equipment which includes a policeman's uniform. They paint their car to look like a police patrol car. Later Harpo holds up the jewelry store owner (Benny Rubin) while wearing "Groucho" eyebrows and mustache! Chico arrives dressed as a cop and arrests him. They get away but are sidelined by a woman having a baby. It ends in a police lineup where the real Groucho makes an appearance uttering the show's only line. 

Chico seems very old but Harpo still makes his usual faces which are a highlight. Director Mitchell Leisen directed episodes of THE TWILIGHT ZONE and THRILLER soon after this.

Thanks for reading!

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