Saturday, July 20, 2019

Queen Of What?

QUEEN OF THE AMAZON-1947-Boring nonsensical basement budget adventure made up mostly of animal stock footage and African tribes dancing. Jungle guide Gary Lambert (Robert Lowery) leads an expedition looking for some white guy. Jean Preston (Patricia Morison), the guy's fiance goes along as do Col. Parker (John Miljan), Gabby (J. Edward Bromberg) and Monroe (Keith Richards). They find the guy among a female tribe of warriors led by Zita (Amira Moustafa). The guy (William Benge) actually likes living with the tribe and wants to marry the queen! Trouble plagues the group (lion attacks, mysterious murders) and it turns out the comic relief cook is actually the mastermind of a ivory poaching ring! 

Director Edward Finney only directed 5 films but produced over 40. Mainly westerns. In 1949 star Lowery would play Batman in the serial BATMAN AND ROBIN.

Thanks for reading!

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